A logo for the portland jets with a red arrow pointing up.

Exclusive Jet Card Membership

for Portland Jets

Our Jet Card Membership provides you with a care free flying experience similar to a fully jet ownership.

Jet Card Membership

Experience a smooth flying journey with our exclusive Jet Card Membership.

Discover unparalleled safety, flexibility, and convenience by opting for a Private Jet Card from Portland Jets. Our Jet Card Programs, offered in 25-hour blocks, provide risk-free access to the most valued aircraft in the market through the securest network in private aviation.

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Unlock the extraordinary advantages of Jet Card Ownership – your key to seamless travel, exclusive perks, and unmatched convenience in the world of private aviation

A dollar sign in a circle on a white background.

Guaranteed Investment

Gain added confidence in uncertain economic times with our refundable Jet Cards. If you find yourself reevaluating your private aviation investment, you have the flexibility to refund your remaining balance.

A black and white drawing of a medal with a ribbon.


  • 24-Hour Scheduling Notice
  • Long-Leg & Round-Trip Discount
  • Up To 18-Month Rate Lock
  • Fuel Discounts
  • Additional Amenities With 50+ Hour Purchase
A black and white drawing of an airplane flying in the sky.

Operational Safety

We uphold elevated standards, and that's why our expert operations team diligently monitors every flight to ensure strict adherence to our safety standards.

A black and white icon of a calendar on a white background.

No Blackout Dates

Jet Card Ownership eliminates blackout dates, providing owners with guaranteed access every day of the year.


A jet card provides the complete feel of aircraft ownership without the burdensome expenses or obligations. Enjoy flying on your own terms without worrying about hidden costs, monthly membership fees, or a substantial upfront capital purchase.

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Those who acquire 50 hours or more as owners unlock a range of extra benefits. These encompass complimentary in-flight catering, assured Wi-Fi, discounts on round-trip and long-leg flights, a fuel discount, and additional perks. Experience reliability, flexibility, and top-notch service with access to your dedicated aircraft and expert flight support teams.

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